James Norwood Pratt, tea author and tea master on his book tour in Toronto, ” The Ultimate Tea Lover’s Treasury”.
Valerie his wife and James Norwood Pratt at T-buds Tea Lounge, Toronto
I asked James-
1) That more people who are older are switching to tea instead of
coffee and do you feel there is more variety in tea to interest coffee
drinks as well as health reasons for the switch.
"Tea and Time: To judge from my own experience, coffee gradually
ceases to be your friend after age 45 or so. You don’t swear off, you
just enjoy it less and less and drink tea more. This seems to be the
case with lots of people. That tea is healthier and offers wider variety
is true also, but a minor factor in the switch I think."
2) What is your favourite tea at this moment?
"Favorite tea? Well we’ve just finished our afternoon Darjeeling
(Risheehat Estate 2013 Second Flush Lot # 141) and I’m strongly inclined
to make a Phoenix Dancong Fengshuang oolong from the mountain covered
with this ancient single-trunk type varietal in Guangdong province,
China. When you get a specific craving like that, nothing else will do."
3) You mention tea as a somewhat of a spiritual experience. Would
this be similar as to taking “wine as the blood of Christ” in communion
or would you describe it as a meditation practice?
"Tea is quiet, and makes a quiet place inside you when you drink it.
It gives you pause, you might say, a chance to enter the quiet in your
own mind for a moment and just be. It gives the spirit an
adjustment, the way a yoga stretch can ease the body, and restores
normal, healthy functioning. This is tea’s main value to mental health, I
think, and one of our main reasons to love it.”“
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